Absolutely nothing to see here!!

Will probably never post anything here. EDIT: I retract this statement in light of the obvious below!

Monday, May 22, 2006

Jasus!! 11 days!

Right so!! It's been 11 days since I posted, cause I've been to busy! Ha, thats a lie! It's cause I was just too bloody lazy! Over the pasty 11 days I've done alot of rowing, culminating in a row from Cork down to Crosshaven on Saturday. I managed to get myself a mild sprain in my left ankle, which is more a nuisance than anything. And I invited two Guards dwon to crash in my place next weekend, (weekend of the race). Should be good craic, two mates of mine, they are a mad shower of cabbages so we should have a laugh! They can come down to the race and head out on the town after, get a cab back to midleton that night!

Also got a job interview... It's on tomorrow! A little nervous, sure we'll see how it goes, I don't need a new job, but I do need A) Experience working in an FDA environment (Can get higher wages with that) and B) More money, mortgage rates are going up, and tbh, I'm struggling as it is!

Anyway, will update after the interview tomorrow.
Till then,

Slán Leat,


Thursday, May 11, 2006

So, budding porn stars on AIM?

So I'm sitting in work at my desk today, minding my own business, doing a bit, well, I was actually reading BBC news website, but I HAD been working right before then , I swear!! So anyway I get this IM msg, through meebo on my AIM account, some young one, giving me the whole "Hi.. I saw your profile and wanted to chat.. blah blah blah...". Being the nice friendly guy I am I responded "Hi, didn't realise I had a profile, cause I knew if I made one some stupid tramp earning a dollar a minute for abusing herself on the net would pester me to "cyber" with her so she get me to visit her website!"

Actually no, I was bored so thought I'd have some fun, I was friendly, then she got to the inevitable.. I'm just chilling here, tbh, I'm really horny.. Can you help me out? My first thought? Well, Yes I can, I can give you the number of my local baptist church, you're a sinner, so you should have no problem being saved! Anyway the vicar / priest / Facist bastard who runs the place, is probably looking for a new skank to bang like a screen door in a hurricane!

What I said was "Sure, that'd be fun, lol, I thought you were gonna be one of thopse fat slags who chats to people to get them to log onto their cheapass site showing their fat ass and ugly face trying to sell their own home made brand of donkey porn! Gods I hate those sick fat ugly scummy skanks, lol, don't you?" I got a very gratifying "F*** You, motherf****er" Cheered me up no end, :-) Now I feel the day is going well :-).

hmm, will add more later!
Feeling hungry, want food, don't know what to have yet :-)

Tóg a bogadh,
Ná bi ag caint as do hón!

Slán Leat,

Or Conor!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Ah Calouses and rough manly Hands!

Yes, I have caloused hands!! After years of sitting behind a pc at a desk myhands had all the manliness of a pair of Ann Summers best crotchless knickers! But after the last few weeks of rowing 3 times a week, my hands are back manly and rough and caloused! Woohoo! Yes I'm proud! Yes I feel empowered, no longer do I have the soft touch of a man who wears vaseline filled gloves!

Although to offset that, my back is in bits and I realised last night just how unfit I had gotten, how did it happen? Where did my six pack go? Admittedly I never had the figure of Adonis, but I had a sixpack, and if not exactly Schwarzeneger pec's, they were just about defined and muscular, then it all went pear shaped(and I don't just mean my body!), I spent alot of time in the pub, and less and less time outside running around, less time at the gym, more time in front of the PC, I got (Dum, dum, DUMMMM) a 'promotion' and that was the end of me, sitting at a pc 8 hours a day, then going home to read, listen to music or watch a dvd.

But lately I've gotten back a little incentive to get fit again, to try and get myself in shape, my dad is in his 60's and he fitter than I am, there's something wrong there, something majorly wrong! I'm 27, I'm in my prime, I should be able run for the bus, not say "fuck that, I'll drive the bike instead". It's gotten to the stage where I drive to a shop thats only a 10 minutes walk from me. How do we get so lazy?

Well, no matter, I'm training now, 3 to 4 evenings a week I'm out rowing, a traditional Irish Curragh (Fixed seat boat made from wooden frame with canvas stretched over and painted in tar), a naomhog to be exact! And I love it, it's hard, it takes it out of you, but it's getting me fit and building muscle, toning etc! So here's to getting fit! Here's to Calouses, here's to rough manly hands!! It was pretty embarrassing to be a biker with soft hands! lol. :-P

Anyway, I might write more, or I might not! we'll see!

Take it easy,
Tóg a bogadh,

Slán leat,


Tuesday, May 09, 2006

More Shite talk!! and a bit of an auld rant! Bastards!

Ha ha!! The sun is out!! I love the sun, I love it soo much, I drove to work this morning, then turned around and drove all the way back home, and then back to work again!! :-) I love my motorbike!.....

Bollocks! I drove back to get something out of my apartment for my brother! I really need to give him a key! Feck it I enjoyed the ride. Although I ended up an hour late for work cause of it. Ah well, Rowing tonight!! Wicked!! Go the curragh!!

So anyway, where to finish, I'm getting old, which is strange cause I'm still in my twenties, I was in bed by 10 with a book last night and STILL woke up knackered! I think I'm turning into my Dad! Most people would be freaked out by that, but as he drives a cool car, goes to the gym 3 days a week, stays fit and healthy and has a better social life than me, maybe it's not a bad thing! :-P

I need a new job, this one sucks, did this one, bought the t-shirt and it shrank in the wash! Time to extend my horizons, I want an upgrade and not a winxp service pack 2 type that fucked up everyone's PC and stopped half your programs working! I want an upgrade like you get to your bike or car when u want to take it to the track, I want Nos, I want slick tyres and a revamp of the manifold block! I want to get dynojetted!! So the CV is done and out! and the job offers are brilliant, well, they will be brilliant.. well, I'm sure they'll be good, when they arrive. Delayed in the post,, thats it!

I hate stupid people, ye know? I mean not funny stupid, like the time me and Podge got pissed and moved the bus stop closer to our local pub, (Bastards wouldn't stop for us either ) or when we started laying cobbletstones on the mainstreet drunk at 2am. That said the council just continued from we left off, must've done a good job!! :-) I mean stupid as in close minded, narrow minded. Ye know... IDIOTS!! Local baptist church sent me post telling me I'm going to burn in hell for eternity and I'm a sinner! Well, I disagree, but apparently I can't get into the afterlife unless I admit I deserve hell, well, If I admitted I deserve hell I'd be lieing and so a worse sinner and probably be sent to hell, so I figured, best thing to do is to return their sectarian, abusive, insulting pamphlet and ram it up their arse! Then I'll deserve hell and so can be saved! :-P

What if I don't want to be saved? It's been said before, and I think it's a valid point, all the fun people are in hell. All the boring people are in heaven, I mean my Grandad is in heaven, I loved the guy, he was great, but I don't want to spend eternity hanging with him either! I want to hang with the Artic Monkey's maybe do some jamming, but rock is banned in heaven isn't it? the devils music? Bah! It's hell for me, ROCK N ROLLL!!!!! Anyway, I hear the beer is shite in heaven! Probably can't get guinness or a decent lager. And what if I wanted a spliff? Not that I smoke it, but my mates do, and who knows, I might want a spliff, what the fuck do you do in heaven if you want a joint?

No I'm going to stay pagan, I think I'll go sacrafice a small child and eat a baby! Eh? Jerry Falwell? thats what we do isn't it? You twat!

Later all, as ever, don't be sane, and if your normal, you're a freak!

Slán leat,
Tóg a bogadh,



Monday, May 08, 2006

Right so!!

Where to start, as a wiser man than me once said (I may be paraphrasing) "Best to start at the beggining", but as that would result in a stupendously boring story about childhood in a 'nice' neighbourhood, playing football, climbing trees, making forts out of freshcut grass, racing to the hospital after the resulting asthma attack etc etc, or depending on how pedantic you are about the word 'beggining' perhaps a tale dashed with theory's on big bangs and dark matter twin universes and the like, perhaps it's best not to start at the beggining!

Perhaps the middle might be a better point at which to start. But how to start? How to make it impressive, memorable, something worthy of pulizer or booker! Maybe something to get me a book deal like so many other bloggers these days, though the fact that I have absolutely nothing novel to write about may be an iceberg in the path of that ship! Hmm, I suppose I could start with the blog? Why a blog? Why me? What do I have to write about? The simple answer; nothing.

I suppose the blog is just somethinmg new to try, now that I've come to realise it isn't the domain of anorack wearing weirdo's who sit in dark rooms with sweaty palms! But the domain of the political activist, the religious extremist, the environmental terrorist, oh and the poor, hung over student! Could there not here be a place for the neutral fundamentalist? I could be switzerland, or Ireland, probably Ireland, it'd be easy cause I live here anyway. Flights to switzerland cost, and it snows there alot, or so I've been told, never been there myself.

So to try and make sense of the last few paragraphs of complete waffle; I started the blog because another Blog I enjoy reading only allowed registered users to post comments, and I couldn't keep my big gob shut so had to register so I could have my say on matters that are really none of my business. :-)

Anyway, might post more, sometime, not sure, probably will, everyone likes to see their own shitetalk in print. :-)

Later all,

Tóg a boghadh!!

Na be ag caint as do hón,
agus níl ain uisce beatha agam!

Concúbhair, or just Conor for those who don't speak Irish! ;-P

Friday, May 05, 2006


I meant it, absolutely NOTHING to see here!